

英漢字典: catch up

1. succeed in pursuing;overtake;follow and finally reach 趕上;追上

    You'd better drive faster,beacuse the others are catching up quickly. 你最好快點開,別人很快就會趕上來。

    You go on ahead;I'll catch you up in a few minutes. 你前面走,我將在幾分鐘內趕上。

    There was a tenmile chase before the thieves were caught up by the police car. 追了10英裡,警察的車子才趕上盜竊犯。

2. seize hurriedly;take or pick up suddenly;be dragged into 突然拿起;匆忙抓住;被抱進

    He caught up the ball as it rolled along and threw it back. 當球向前滾動時,他急忙抓了起來就向後投去。

    He caught up a stick and struck out at that man. 他急忙抓起一根木棍向那人打去。

3. capture or trap … in a situation;concern or interest very much 俘獲;卷進;非常關心或極感興趣(常與in連用在被動結構中)

    His clothing was caught up in the machine. 他的衣服被卷進了機器中。

    He regretted having been caught up in the affair. 他後悔當初卷進了這件事。

    I was so caught up in the movie that I forgot the time. 我對這部電影入了迷,以至于連時間都忘了。

4. adopt 採用;借用

    These phrases were caught up and immediately became popular. 這些短語已被採用而且很快就流行了。

5. provide with the latest information 提供…最新消息

    They caught us up on what's happening at the front. 他們把前線的最新消息告訴了我們。

6. follow and understand 聽懂; 理解

    They can't catch up what the foreign guest said. 他們聽不懂外賓講的話。

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